The future is our present (and yours too!)
Creating shared value

Our company is truly solid, an organisation built with passion and determination by those who founded it. In its fifty years in the business, many have contributed to our company’s success: partners, customers, suppliers, financial institutions and universities. A lively and flourishing tapestry, a community and a common purpose around which ideas, projects, products and innovations are devised and developed. To ensure our ongoing success in the future, it is essential to invest so that our dynamic community remains fresh and vibrant.
Since 2022, we have taken part to the United Nations Global Compact, which requires participating companies and organisations to share, support and apply a set of fundamental principles relating to human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption within their sphere of influence. These same principles have always distinguished our business operations and made
joining the Global Compact a natural next step
Our main objectives
The future is our present

Our strategic plan
The Strategic Sustainability Plan is an integral part of the Group’s business model and its daily
operations: we aim to promote sustainable growth and we are attentive to the expectations of the market, people and companies with which we work, and of the communities in which we operate.
The plan consists of four pillars which embody the company’s DNA: centrality of people, contribution to the ecological transition, innovative development of sustainable products and sustainability of the supply chain.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Our sustainability strategy is inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda.
We are committed to pursuing 6 specific SDGs – those to which we feel we can make a valuable contribution. We are doing this through 26 projects formalised in our Strategic Sustainability Plan. Some of these are already underway while others will take place over a longer period of time, such as the achievement of carbon neutrality.
Sustainability governance
In 2020 we established the Sustainability Committee and adopted a Governance structure which clearly allocates roles and responsibilities. The Committee is responsible for supervising all sustainability activities carried out by the Group and reporting on its progress to the Board of Directors.
In order to perform its functions, the Committee makes use of a Working Group coordinated by the Sustainability Manager. The Group involves representatives of the main company departments to get a systematic and comprehensive overview of sustainability issues.