The G3-AM8 module has 4 analogue inputs and 4 analog output fully configurable that can be used for the acquisition of different signals from the field such as linear sensors, retransmission units, proprotional valves, positioning systems, and to provide commands such as reference to drives, servos, power solid-state relays with linear input or retransmit variables to other devices or for data logging.
Inputs can be software configurable as voltage (0…10V, ±10V), current (0…20mA, 4…20mA) or Potentiometer (>1kΩ).
Outputs can be software configurable as voltage output (±10V) or current output (0…20mA, 4…20mA).
G3-AM8 can be used with all the G-Mation gateways and CPU’s from which it receives power supply.
It needs an external +24V±25%, 0.5A max for field signals.
The outputs are protected against short circuit and overload.
Module 4 analog input + 4 analog output
Module 4 analog input + 4 analog output
Main features
- 4 input channels configurable as voltage, current or potentiometer
- 4 output channels configurable as voltage or current
- 16 bit resolution
Technical specifications
4 configurable analog input:
- Voltage 0…10V, ±10V > 1MΩa
- Current 0/4…20mA = 100Ω
- Potentiometer > 1MΩ
4 configurable analog output:
- Voltage ±10V max 20mA each channel
- Current 0…20mA, 4…20mA, load max 600Ω
Acuracy better than 0.1% at full scale over the entire temperature range -10°C to +60°C.
16 bits A/D conversion
- Power supply detection LED
- Ethercat protocol status LED
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