

Module 8 analog input



Module 8 analog input

Main features
  • 8 input channels configurable as voltage, current or potentiometer
  • On board potentiometer power supply
  • 16 bit resolution
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Technical specifications


The G3-AD8 module has 8 isolated analog inputs that can be used to read signals from various types of linear sensors, from retransmitting units, servocontrols, position systems.
Inputs can be software configurable as voltage (0…10V, ±10V), current (0…20mA, 4…20mA) or Po-tentiometer (>1kΩ).
G3-AD8 can be used with all the G-Mation gateways and CPU’s from which it receives power supply
G3-AD8 can acquire 8 analog inputs in less than 100μs for 8 channels, allowing fast and accurate closed loop and process monitoring applications in combination with Ethercat communication.
Each input is protected against wrong connection.

Configurable analog input:
– Voltage 0…10V, ±10V > 1MΩ
– Current 0/4…20mA = 100Ω
– Potentiometer > 1MΩ
Acuracy better than 0.1% at full scale over the entire temperature range -10°C to
16 bits A/D conversion
Sampling time <100μS per 8 canali
– Power supply detection LED
– Ethercat protocol status LED